Monday, March 11, 2013


After re-reading my post from this morning, I thought I should post something a little more positive for this afternoon and start the week off on a better note.

As I mentioned in my post from this morning, I’m on my best workout streak to date. Like my food, I log my workouts in my day planner and because I’m a kid at heart, every time I workout I “reward” myself with a sticker. It seems a little silly, but I like it because Mr. J. Bitty actually picks out the sticker for me. It’s also better than rewarding myself with food. I keep telling myself, ‘I’m not a dog; I don’t need to reward myself with food.’ So I reward myself with sparkle stickers instead. Talk about positive reinforcement!

Top: My workout log for the month of February
Bottom: My workout log for March (yesterday hadn't been logged yet, but I did workout)

Even though yesterday was a bad day, food-wise, I did have a pleasant afternoon of “me” time. After the movies, my brother-in-law came over for the day so Mr. J. Bitty could help him with Physics homework (did I mention my husband’s a genius?) so I had the afternoon all to myself. I watched ‘Bride Wars’ on tv and gave myself a mani/pedi combo. I usually go to the nail salon to get my mani/pedi combo, but lately it’s been nice to actually do it on my own and I’m getting pretty good at it - if I do say so myself. I would have showed you a picture of my toes, but I am weirdly grossed out by feet – not just mine, but everyone’s feet.

Color on Fingers: Sugar Daddy by Essie
Color on Toes: Play Date by Essie

I started the day off in a bad mood and that’s not the mind frame I want for the rest of the week. I had to remind myself how lucky I am to be able to wake up every day and go to a job that I enjoy (for the most part) and how lucky I am that God has blessed me with MY BOYS!!!

Here's to starting the week off right!

Mrs. J. Bitty

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